
If you're looking to deepen your yoga practice, and understand and experience the layers of yourself more fully, our 100 hour online immersion is your gateway to personal transformation.

Our 100 Hour program is all the philosophy, theory, meditation, breathework and movement of a 200 hour course - just without the movement theory and teaching methodology.

Training Includes:
Unlimited Yoga Classes for Duration of Training
Benefits, Variations, and Modifications of Yoga Poses
When, why and how to use props
Meditation and Breathwork Benefits/Techniques
Exploration of Yoga History/Philosophy
Study of classic yogic texts ( Bhagadva Gita, Yoga Sutras)
LIVE group call once/week
A community of like-minded, passionate students who become life-long friends

Delve deep into the knowledge and wisdom of yoga while creating a lasting change on and off the mat. All in the comfort of your own home.

April - September 2020

Investment: $1,750